
  • To TEACH the faith.
  • To PREACH the gospel.
  • To LIVE as Christ lived.

St. Mary's Religious Education Program seeks to reach children from kindergarten through high school by proclaiming Christ’s message through instruction, prayer experiences, and the sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation. We realize that our ministry is accomplished in partnership with the parents who are the primary catechists. Together we will proclaim Christ’s message, help develop our Christian community, lead the students in prayer and worship, and motivate them to do Christian service.

Sacraments: First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are celebrated during 2nd Grade. Confirmation is celebrated in the spring of 10th grade.

Schedule: Classes are held on Sunday mornings during the school year, from 9:10 - 10:20AM at St. Mary School.

Contact Candace McGrath, Coordinator of Religious Education, at 608-647-0400 or RE@stmarysrc.com

Meet the Team

Our catechists are committed to passing on the Catholic faith with the youth of St. Mary's.

candace mcgrath

Candace McGrath


jacob zorea

Jacob Zorea

Grades 5 and 6

nancy kraemer

Nancy Kraemer

K & Grade 1

aharon zorea

Aharon Zorea

Grade 9

jane bosworth

Jane Bosworth

Grade 2

andrew wright

Andrew Wright

Grade 10

mary schmidt

Mary Schmidt

Grades 3 and 4


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155 W 5th Street

Richland Center, WI. 53581

Phone: 1-608-647-2422
